Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has unveiled his ambitious new project, Syndicate, which he describes as the “biggest film ever.” The film revolves around a terrifying organization that poses a significant threat to the very existence of India. Known for his intense storytelling, Varma promises that this film will leave audiences deeply shaken.
Ram Gopal Varma reveals about upcoming project Syndicate
Syndicate focuses on a dangerous organization that emerges against the backdrop of India’s socio-political landscape. Varma elaborated on the concept, stating, “Street gangs of the 70s were absorbed into politics, smugglers thrived with gold and electronics demand, and corporate gangs like D Company rose and fell. But now, intense polarization in the country creates the perfect storm for a new kind of criminal organization.”
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) January 22, 2025
In CONTINUATION to my CONFESSION note on SATYA film , I DECIDED to make the BIGGEST film ever
The film is called SYNDICATE
It’s about a terrifying organisation which threatens the very EXISTENCE of INDIA
This sinister syndicate unites various forces, including policing agencies, politicians, wealthy businessmen, and even the military. Varma explained, “This organization will orchestrate a series of terrifying and meticulously planned events, aiming to replace India with a ‘new India.’”
The Nature of Terror
Unlike traditional supernatural horrors, the terror in Syndicate will stem from the capabilities of humanity. Varma stated, “The film delves into the cyclical nature of crime and terror, proving that while victories are achieved, crime and terror never die. They return in more dangerous forms.”
The narrative is futuristic but remains grounded in reality. Drawing a parallel with the sudden emergence of Al Qaeda, Varma emphasized, “It’s not set in a distant future. These events could unfold tomorrow or next week.” The film opens with the striking line: “Only man can be the most terrifying animal.”
Ram Gopal Varma on future plans
Reflecting on his past work, Varma revealed that rewatching his classic film Satya. After 25 years, IT inspired him to return to his filmmaking roots. “I took a vow to wash away my cinema sins of the past few years with this single film, Syndicate,” he expressed. Details regarding the cast and other specifics of the film are yet to be announced. But anticipation is already building for this intense exploration of crime, power, and human nature.